Of the wonders of the things he was an old man does not have the energy came on frequent dhikr and benedictions and prayers to Imam Sadiq peace be upon him and told him build the Messenger of Allah taught me mention or something even mention by God and be inclusive said to him, Imam Say thank God marveled man how this male be inclusive he said the Imam, all worshipers pray for you in saying God hears those who praise after bowing When Thankfully says all worshipers Btoaivhm all claim you mean O hear him, O hear him and beautiful as the transfer of the relationship Majlisi got his openness to what satisfies the books he wanted to come out a prayer Mosque on the night of Friday came in sight of the male university said the name of God the Merciful Praise be to God from the first floor to its death and the afterlife to survival and thank God for all the grace and forgiveness of God from every sin and repent to him your mercy, O Most Merciful on the night the second Friday began Arddha I heard the angels say We still did not know the reward of what was said in the past week, and in another version of the front sincere peace be upon him in which he said of said tire Thankfully book heaven
monotheistic religion that originated in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (570-632) in Arabia, which are contained in the Koran; It is characterized by respect five fundamental pillars: the profession of faith, ritual prayer five times a day and Friday in the mosque, fasting during the month of Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in life and alms. Set of peoples and nations with Islam as the official or majority religion.
Mr. Morteza Shirazi

الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2016
The effects of sins | Sayed Morteza Shirazi Ayatollah DAM Zlh- |
Has anyone seen a foreign woman and then says a little Allah is Forgiving, Allah is Forgiving, but this time the person died in this moment captured the spirit of what the destiny God is displeased with him at this time in the novel that God Almighty reported on its servers, sometimes a trope because it is the beginning of forever. If and grandfather of disobeying Aschth and then not done is never a small bad things too not not small and large, as God sees man to obey in the middle of the night, informing prayed the night prayer Visaadh them forever the youngest fault is not significantly more small guilt Asthakarh say a white lie for example, these murmurings not seen, some call it a tips fruits Wi evils have lied once again self voices grow guilt Vosthakar worse than the feeling of guilt and pride Alasthakar comes after many people ask in debt then brag stole money and then give the new owners how Dellys in people is worse than guilt special joy
الثلاثاء، 18 أكتوبر 2016
Dissemination of true Islam around the world
In the name of God the Merciful
God willing, will host the publishing of jurisprudence and Islamic faiths in Spanish in order to reach the right voice of Islam and the Koran and the Prophet Muhammad and home to the farthest place on earth, so we need your support in order to be a hand against injustice to the Islamic religion
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